Let's see how many dollars we can spend in Manistee County instead of at a National Chain!
Support our community and spend your dollars locally with this county-wide cash program. Purchase manistee county ca$h for any gift-giving occasion and let your gift recipient choose where to spend it!
It's easy to buy and use!
Select the amount you would like to purchase, pay with your preferred credit card, and your certificate is ready to spend. The participating merchants will either scan the QR code or use the six-digit code to validate the certificate. Each certificate can only be used once ~ the full amount must be spent. The program will automatically keep track of every dollar.
Please contact programs@ManisteeChamber.com to assist with your purchase.
What is manistee county ca$h?
- It's a community currency gift certificate program that supports local businesses. Buy it from the Chamber and spend it at small businesses in our area.
Once I've Ordered, How are the Certificates Delivered?
- You will receive two emails: a purchase receipt and an email containing PDFs of the certificates.
- Email certificates to your recipients or print them at your home or office.
How Will I Know Where I Can Spend the Certificates?
- Each certificate will come with a complete list of participating merchants. Click the "View Participating Merchants" button in the payment portal to see a current list.
Orders totaling in $500 or more and paid by check, will receive a 3% discount. Check payments eliminate credit card fees and allow us to pass the savings on to the buyer.
This is a community currency gift certificate program that sends customers exclusively to the doors of our Merchants. Anyone can buy it online and it's very easy to use and redeem.
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