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BLADE GATES: Take the first step

MANISTEE, MICH. -  So… how's that New Year's resolution coming? 

Whether you are making strides this year or have already given up on your goal, let me tell you that I've never been a huge stickler for New Year's resolutions. But I sure love resolutions: the act of setting a goal for yourself and taking the steps to achieve it. Not to mention how satisfying it can feel to check off that box on your to-do list— setting a challenging, but realistic goal and putting in the work to accomplish it? There's no feeling quite like it.

Today, I want to write about resolve. Last month, I wrote about change and some of the ways in which we see change play out in our lives and communities. I think resolve goes hand-in-hand with change. After all, if you don't have resolve, how easily can you enable intentional change?

You have resolve when you have the conviction to move forward with something. It's when you have the confidence to approach a problem and take steps to find a solution. But let's get more specific here. Let's say you're an aspiring entrepreneur or you know an aspiring entrepreneur with an idea. I imagine almost all of us have had at least one idea in our life that was a big 'lightbulb' moment: an idea that really riled you up, something that stirred you to strive relentlessly for a certain goal. I believe many entrepreneurs may have moments like that, or at the very least are always on the lookout for their next 'lightbulb' moment.

One of my favorite parts of being with the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce is getting to witness some of these ideas in motion. In many ways, the Chamber acts as a bridge for its business community. Let's be honest here: in a world that constantly feels like it's speeding up, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or to know where to start. In instances like this, a chamber can be your aid to get you connected to the resources you need for your business to be successful. Above all, chambers of commerce are advocates for their community, advocates for the ideas that benefit the community. The Manistee Area Chamber is here to see positive growth in Manistee County, for our community's existing businesses to succeed, and to ensure we match these ideas with the resolve they need.

Maybe you have dreams to one day open up a business in your township. Easier said than done, right? Except your local chamber of commerce can guide you to the resources you need to assist in your goals. Many chambers of commerce provide networking opportunities, both as a way to encourage conversations of resolve and as a way to get to know your local professional community. The Manistee Area Chamber, among other programs, hosts quarterly Chamber UnTapped's, a perfect opportunity for anyone to network and strike up a conversation with someone and learn about what they do. 

Are you making space in your life for those conversations? Are you educated on the practical resources and guides available to you to bring your idea to fruition… and are you utilizing them? Don't treat your 'lightbulb' of an idea like some wistful wish that only exists in the back of your mind. When you can approach your goals objectively, believing that your ambitions are very much real, tangible items, I have a feeling you'll have an easier time checking off that box than you would've otherwise. Treat your idea with the resolve it deserves. 

One more thing: don't forget to look around you. Not only are there countless individuals, each with their own stories and each with goals of their own, but there are people and institutions that exist to support you in fulfilling your goal… like your local chamber of commerce.

We are about one month into 2025 now and over halfway through the 2020s. By now, most people have given up on their New Year's resolutions. This year, that day, 'Quitter's Day', was January 10th. And if you had a New Year's resolution and it didn't follow through, don't worry: I see you, and it's not the end of the world! Resolutions aren't easy. But don't forget that the year isn't over yet. Focus on today. What will you do today? And how rewarding might it be if you pursue your goals with resolve, even if you fail and have to get back up?

Yesterday is far behind us and today is a new day. What does your first step look like today? What will you do with this time given? That is up to you.


Blade Gates is the Marketing & Communications Specialist of the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit 501 C (6) organization, whose mission is to build a dynamic and sustainable organization to serve the Business, Workforce, and Economic Development needs of all in Manistee County. You can contact the Chamber at 231-723-2575 or