BLADE GATES: "What does a chamber of commerce DO, anyways?"
MANISTEE, MICH. - When I tell people that I work for the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce, about 50% of the time the follow-up question is this: "So what exactly does a chamber of commerce DO?" And it's a valid question! Before I began working at the Chamber, I could not have accurately answered that question. Even now, it's difficult for me to concisely explain every single thing the Chamber does. So… how about I go ahead and give it a shot?
Chambers of commerce are not unique to Manistee. Thousands of chambers, both local and regional, occupy communities and cities across the United States of America. What doesn't help is that every chamber is a little different; its focus is based entirely on its location, its businesses, and its community's needs. A chamber of commerce in rural Nebraska will have different needs and concerns than a chamber in urban New York. The role a local chamber of commerce plays in its community entirely depends on the needs of the community.
With that, the Manistee Area Chamber's role is dependent on the business-related needs of Manistee County. For example, childcare, housing, and business growth are some needs the Manistee Area Chamber sees and prioritizes fulfilling.
However, the Chamber's ultimate mission can be summarized as this: to serve the business, workforce, and economic development needs of all in Manistee County. In broad strokes, the Manistee Area Chamber's work to fulfill this mission can be summarized into its four priorities:
- Business & Legislative Advocacy
Advocacy is the least tangible, yet most important ingredient needed to create positive growth and support in any community. Advocating for Manistee County and its businesses is at the forefront of the Chamber's duties. This looks like building relationships with key legislative officials and giving them a reason to keep their eyes on Manistee County. The Chamber works to support policies that support Manistee businesses and keeps its investors educated on prevalent legislation that impacts our county. The Chamber is also a member of the Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance, a coalition of 18 chambers and economic development organizations dedicated to supporting businesses in Northern Michigan.
- Economic & Workforce Development
Economic development is the nuts and bolts of the Chamber's work: this work involves attracting developers and investment dollars to Manistee County. This looks like connecting with local and outside developers and showing them why Manistee is the place for their projects. It also looks like checking in on existing businesses and understanding their needs to succeed. There is tact in economic development: you want to attract the right developments, attainable housing projects that will meet the demands of the community, and quality-of-life features to attract and retain workforces.
- Leadership & Professional Development
A community looking to attain long-term positive growth without considering the role of leadership is a recipe for disaster. On the other hand (and what the Chamber believes), a community that cultivates its current and future leaders will be better equipped to address its challenges and opportunities. One way the Chamber strives for this is through the Manistee Area Leadership Program, which aims to develop the business professionals that will pave the way for Manistee County.
- Downtown Revitalization
Downtowns are the heartbeat of any community. You may already know about Downtown Development Authorities (DDA) and what they do. Like chambers of commerce, DDAs can be found across the country. They are unique entities created by a local government to support its community's downtown. The Manistee DDA is unique in that it is administered by the Manistee Area Chamber while simultaneously being a separate entity from the Chamber. Its goals can be summarized into three ideas for Downtown Manistee: to foster economic growth and development, to promote an identifiable and attractive downtown, and to strengthen businesses and community ownership.
So when I get asked "What exactly does a chamber DO?", I believe the simplest answer is that the work is different every day.
Some days it's about organizing for the Manistee National Forest Festival and other exciting events and programs. Other days it's about engaging with developers and showing them why Manistee is the place for their projects. Some days it's about attending conferences about pertinent legislation that impacts everyone. Other days it's about checking in on local businesses and asking how they are doing. But it always ties back into that mission: to support the business needs of all in Manistee County.
Manistee is a community I grew up in, yet my involvement with the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce has allowed me to learn about our county in ways I never would have been exposed to otherwise. Through my role at the Chamber, I am grateful to witness the work being done in our County by all parties involved: by businesses, organizations, public service officials, neighbors… it takes a village! It's not always easy, but it's worth it. I look forward to continuing to watch this work and to participate in it through the Chamber. What will Manistee do next?
Blade Gates is the Marketing & Communications Specialist of the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit 501 C (6) organization, whose mission is to build a dynamic and sustainable organization to serve the Business, Workforce, and Economic Development needs of all in Manistee County. You can contact the Chamber at 231-723-2575 or